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Message / Anything else you'd like to ask or tell us before we contact you?

Want to help the CRC? Join our Cemeteers volunteer corps today!

The Cortland Rural Cemetery is always interested in obtaining (and tremendously grateful for!) any help we can get from individuals, groups, or the community as a whole! That's why we formed our CEMETEERS volunteers corps!

Whether you wish to contribute to the maintenance of our grounds or the maintenance of our records -- and whether you can give one hour a week or one week a year -- we'd love to hear from you! 

<<< To join, please complete & submit the form at left. We'll get back to you, learn more about your interests and motivations, and put you to work! (PS: Groups of volunteers are welcome, too!)

Cortland Rural Cemetery -- 110 Tompkins Street, Cortland, NY 13045

Telephone: 607-756-6022 | Email:

The Cortland Rural Cemetery posts career opportunities when they are available. We are an equal opportunity employer who values diversity and bases offers of employment on qualifications, merit, and business need -- without regard to race, religion, gender (including pregnancy and sexual orientation), national origin, age, disability or other categories as proscribed by federal, state or local law.

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